What Are Our Beliefs
What We Believe
– The virgin birth of Jesus Christ
– The deity of Jesus Christ
– The death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ
– That Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation
– That salvation is by grace, through faith
– The existence of a literal Heaven & Hell
– The verbal inspiration of Scripture. We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the verbally and plenarily inspired and inerrant Word of God and is available to us in the King James Bible or the King James Version.
– We are an independent Baptist church that is firmly planted on the fundamentals of the faith as found in God’s Word.
– We cherish the King James Version of the Bible, and use it exclusively in all areas of our ministry and outreach. We truly believe that God’s Word changes lives… and we are living examples of that!
– We love godly Christian music, and enjoy singing a wide variety of songs and hymns passed down from faithful Christians of the past, Scripture songs and choruses, and conservative Christian music of today.
– We believe that it is every Christian’s responsibility to obey Jesus’ command in Mark 16:15: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” The priority of our ministry is to share the truth of the Bible with every person in our community and around the world, so they may have the same opportunity to learn the truth of God’s Word.
NOTE: This is a condensed, web-sized-preview of our beliefs.