The Bus Ministry
Go out into the Highways and Hedges...

Get a ride to church every Sunday morning!
Riding the bus to church is fun!
There are contests and dress-up days, silly games, Bibles stories, and more!
A friendly bus driver and lots of helpers will make your ride to church safe and fun!
And your whole family can ride to church together!
So let’s go to church on the bus to learn about our friend Jesus!
Helpful Information:
• We strive to provide a wonderful and nurturing environment for your children to grow and have fun in. Below are some things you can do as a parent to help us insure a successful and fulfilling Sunday.
• Have the children ready 5 to 10 minutes prior to pickup.
• Personal cell phones can be a distraction. The best solution is to just leave them at home before coming to church. A place will be provided for the students to store their cell phones during church services. They will be encouraged to do so, but aren’t required too unless it is requested by you.
• We try to pickup and drop off students in an efficient manner. If there are circumstances where you need your children picked up or brought home by a specific time, please let us know, and we’ll do our best to accommodate those requests.
• If your child can not make it on a given Sunday, please call or text us at 816-560-1412. This we’ll keep us from making any unnecessary stops.
• Please let us know of any known allergies.
• Bus bucks are awarded for attendance, bringing visitors, good behavior and other contests we have occasionally. Those earned bus bucks can then be spent on candy and other items as they exit the bus. There are Award Trips that happen throughout the year that can be earned as well. If you would like more information on these rewards and trips, please let us know.